Cutting of the New Year's Cake 2023 of SAKISPACK SA.

Cutting of the New Year's Cake 2023 of SAKISPACK SA.

In a festive atmosphere, SAKISPACK SA cut its traditional New Year's cake. Employees and management gathered at a center in Malakasa to celebrate with the accompaniment of a folk orchestra.

"The year is off to a dynamic start! This year, we are one step closer to the goals we have set. The primary goal remains transparency in our relationship with the customer. This means excellent product, excellent service and excellent communication with the customer. Clearly, this cannot be achieved if everyone works independently, teamwork brings success! UNITY BRINGS STRENGTH TO OUR TEAM! Happy New Year!"

Dimitra Haritidou
Vice President

"In a digital, information-driven age, let's stay goal-oriented. We must not forget and postpone our purpose and vision. This is the key to everything!

If each of us individually stays true to our purpose, we will give our best to what we do and then together we will all fulfill OUR VISION. This is OUR TEAM. Protect your dream! Take action! Let's all act together! Happy New Year!"

Sakis Skondriannis
Managing Director

Κοπή Πρωτοχρονιάτικης Πίτας 2023 της SAKISPACK SA.