Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

SAKIS PACK SA company believes in its obligation to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Data. This document is referred to as the "Privacy Policy" and describes how we use the personal data we collect and receive about you.

1. Who we are

We are SAKIS PACK SA and we are the Controller of your personal data.

2. How we communicate with you

We may contact you through one or more of the communication channels listed below: by phone, email, text message to your mobile phone (SMS), instant messaging or other electronic media, depending on the contact information you have provided to us.

3. Types of Personal Data

The types of Personal Data we hold may include the following:

  1. Name and home/work addresses
  2. Contact details including email details and landline and mobile phone numbers
  3. VAT Number and Tax Office
  4. Profession

4. How we collect your Personal Data

What we know about you is primarily provided by you when you first contact us and while you are our customer. You may provide us with Personal Data at various times and through various communication channels, including but not limited to telephone, electronic communication or writing, when for example:

  • you request information or submit a request, to provide you with one of our services or purchase our products;
  • you request information or send us an interest form to hold a meeting with us;
  • you ask to be put in touch with an executive, partner;
  • you amend your details or request any of your rights or file a complaint.

In addition, we may be provided with the types of Personal Data listed above in the How We Collect Your Personal Data section from:

  • Partners, or Customers as a recommendation for the purpose of contacting you

We may be required to verify the Personal Data we hold about you to confirm that it is complete and accurate by contacting you through various communication channels.

5. Regarding Specific Personal Data

In any of the above processing of personal data that we carry out, we do not collect Special Personal Data such as origin (race), religious beliefs, sexual beliefs, as well as special data related to health. Special Personal Data may be provided to us during the provision of some of our special services and for which you will be informed in advance with a separate Policy for the Protection & Processing of Special Data.

6. Why we collect your Personal Data

We use your personal data to:

  • provide you with services related to the manufacture of cardboard boxes and related items, including the services provided by our partners, etc.;
  • check your details in order to comply with the applicable law and regulatory framework;
  • provide you with the information for the services you request from us;
  • manage our contractual relationship while you are a customer and to be able to communicate with you;
  • verify the information you have provided to us;
  • analyze, evaluate and improve our services to our customers;
  • investigate your complaints;
  • provide evidence, in the event of litigation or anticipated litigation between us;
  • provide you with information promoting new products and services, in the cases where you have given your consent, for the above information we inform you of changes to our products and services;
  • monitor the quality of our products and services.

7. What is the legal basis of processing

Based on Article 6 of the General Regulation 2016/679 on Personal Data Protection, the processing is lawful and the legal basis is the contractual obligation we have towards you for the provision of our services.

8. Other processing resulting from this

We may need to process your Personal Data to comply with our legal obligations. For example, obligations in relation to anti-money laundering, terrorism prevention and sanctions audits, complaints/complaints and legal investigations or litigation.

We may process your personal data during your visit to our building facilities from the images collected through the installed recording and monitoring systems (security cameras) You can read more information about this processing, its purpose and scope, in the Protection Policy of Personal Data through Video Surveillance systems.

We may process your personal data during your communication with our company through the recording of calls carried out for the security of the communication and the provision of our services. Any call recording carried out during our communication with you is done with prior information and with your consent

Finally, we will process your personal data after your consent, to send informative emails about new security products and services. In cases where you have given us your permission to do so, we will only use that Personal Data which will allow us to be able to provide you with information related to the products and services that may be of interest to you.

We will always ask for your consent to process Personal Data where required by law.

9. Transfer of your Personal Data

We may use and share your personal data with other partner companies (Processors) to:

  • confirm or correct the information we know about you;
  • prevent fraud, money laundering, terrorism and other crimes by confirming the information we know about you;
  • conduct research for our internal use;
  • comply with the law, for example sharing your Personal Data with the police or other bodies, to prevent fraud;
  • audit our company;
  • provide you with information related to us, our seminars, and special offers and services that may be of interest to you;
  • fulfill other business purposes, such as product development and website administration.

We may share your personal data with insurance intermediaries and other third parties who help us provide products and services to you. For example, we may share your personal data:

  1. in order to comply with the legislation or regulatory framework of the Supervisory Authority whose rules apply to our company;
  2. with companies that print and distribute mail or, in case you have given your consent, or with companies that carry out marketing activities on our behalf.

When we share your Personal Data with third parties who perform professional services for us, (Processors) we require them to take appropriate measures to protect your Personal Data and to use your Personal Data only for the purposes of performing those services.

10. Protection of Your Personal Data

The security and confidentiality of your Personal Data are matters of utmost importance to us. We have established technical, administrative and physical security measures in order to:

  • protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access and inappropriate use;
  • secure our IT systems and safeguard information; and
  • ensure that we can restore your data, in cases where data is damaged or lost in a disaster recovery situation.

Where appropriate, we use encryption or other security measures we deem appropriate to protect your personal data. We also review our security procedures at regular intervals to explore the use of new technologies and seek updated methods. But, despite our reasonable efforts, no security measure can be perfect or impenetrable.

11. Direct Promotion of Services

We give you the opportunity to receive updates of new products and services from us, as well as special offers or services that we think may be of interest to you. We will normally send direct updates, using the contact methods you have indicated to us when entering into our partnership.

If you want us to stop sending you these types of updates, there are simple ways to do so. Each time you receive a direct service promotion, we will also let you know how you can unsubscribe. At the same time, you can revoke your consent to the use of your data to display or promote new products and/or services, by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. anytime.

12. Transfer of Data to other countries

Our Company does not transmit your personal data to other countries for the processing it carries out as a data controller or in cases where it is the Processor.

13. Retention time of your data

We keep your data exclusively for that period of time, which is absolutely necessary to serve the purposes for which they have been collected.

Retention periods are defined according to:

  • statutory obligations to retain data for a specific period of time;
  • the time limits of the statute of limitations in accordance with the applicable legislation;
  • possible disputes;
  • guidelines issued by the relevant data protection authorities as well as other supervisory authorities.

We securely destroy data that we no longer need to keep within the time limits set out in our policies.

In the event that we continue to use data for statistical or research purposes, we ensure that the data is anonymized so that you cannot be identified with or from it in any way.

14. Your Rights Under Legislation

a. Right to information

You have the right to receive clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we process your Personal Data and about your Rights. For this reason we provide you with this Policy.

b. Right of Access

You have the right to access your Personal Data (as we process it) as well as other specific information (corresponding to that provided in this Appendix). Thus, you can obtain knowledge and control on whether we are processing your Personal Data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection legislation.

c. Right of rectification

You have the right to request the correction of your Personal Data if they are inaccurate or incomplete.

d. Right to erasure

You have the right, also known as the "right to be forgotten" to request the erasure or removal of your Personal Data when there is no compelling reason for the continued processing. The right to erasure is not an absolute right. The company may have the right or obligation to retain the information, in cases where it has a specific legal obligation to do so or has another valid legal reason to retain it.

e. Right to restrict processing

You have the right, in certain circumstances, to "opt out" or limit the further use of your information. When processing is restricted, we may still store your information, but may not process it further. We maintain lists of individuals who have requested that the further use of their Personal Data be "opted out" in order to ensure that the restriction applies in the future.

f. Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain a copy of some Personal Data we hold about you and to reuse or share it for your own purposes.

g. Right to Object

You have the right to object to certain types of processing, which we only do with your consent.

15. Amendment of this Policy

We may modify this Policy at any time. If we make any material changes to the way we collect your personal data or the way we use or share it, you will be notified by email.

16. More Information

If you need help or more information in relation to this Policy or have any questions, you can contact us at the contact details below:


Address: Kon. Paleologou 49, 13341 – Ano Liosia

Phone: 2102471837 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are not satisfied in any way with the way we collect, share or process your Personal Data, we would like you to let us know.

You can contact us using the contact details listed above. If you are not satisfied with our response, you reserve the right to contact the Data Protection Authority:

Offices: Kifissias 1-3, P.O. 115 23, Athens Telephone Center: +30-210 6475600 Fax: +30-210 6475628 Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.